Friday, June 6, 2014

Jet lagging

  Just arrived for the second time to our hotel.  Now we are checked in and doing some relaxing.
Sometimes you just have to sit back and watch Wipe Out in Gaelic.  You can tell she is battling sleep. 

It was a full day, though much of it was in a seated position with our seat belts on.  After a very long layover in Atlanta, we boarded for Dublin.  For some reason we were not booked for adjacent seats.  I figured I could trade with someone aisle seat for aisle seat with 100% less unaccompanied 10 year old, but such machinations were unnecessary since Maggie's neighbor never showed up.  The flight was long and bumpy, but they fed us and we had some great sunset views.

Sleep was elusive for one of us.  Care to take a guess which one?

We landed safely in Dublin, wended our weary way through passport control, and successfully navigated the public transit system.  Maggie is taking to this backpacking lifestyle like a champ.

After dropping off our bags, we headed to Trinity College to see the Book of Kells with a stop along the way for lunch.  Our dining venue selection was based on trusting the sign that claimed "Good Food" which proved to be a sound approach.  By this point we were both ready to tip over with exhaustion but after some excellent sandwiches and coffee/hot coco we rallied and headed out to see some history. 

The illuminated manuscripts are amazing, though Maggie was most impressed by the size and scope of the Long Room.

And so that brings us back to the hotel.  It is a quiet neighborhood with a pleasant view. 
Now we are trying to stay awake for another five hours. I think we shall fail.

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